Salamõrtsuka teekond II osa

Salamõrtsuka teekond II osa


Жанр: Современная зарубежная литература

Fitz, a survivor barely escaped from the clutches of death, continues his journey to reunite with his master and king, Verity, who has disappeared into the untamed mountains of the Mountain Kingdom, the ancient lands of the elderlings. Alongside newfound allies and old companions, he embarks on a perilous expedition to fulfill his destiny as the Catalyst of the White Prophet. Meanwhile, Regal, the usurper, has amassed his forces at the borders of the Mountain Kingdom, determined to prevent both his brother Verity and the oncoming Fitz from reaching their goals. The coast of the Six Duchies lies ravaged by the crimson vessels, leaving no glimpse of hope in sight. In the remote village of Moivaranna on the shores of Buck, Burrich and Molly have found a refuge with Fitz's young daughter, who has now become the sole heir of the Farseers. However, Regal has caught wind of the child's existence, and his assassins are already on their trail. Amidst a treacherous game of power and survival, Fitz must navigate through dangerous landscapes and evade the clutches of his cunning enemies in order to protect his loved ones and fulfill his ultimate destiny.

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