She is Louise
Автор: Мария Хруль
Жанр: Любовно-фантастические романы, Любовное фэнтези
Immerse yourself in a captivating tale of a girl caught between two worlds, where the melody of butterflies' singing lures her into a realm of enchantment. Meet Louise, who finds herself torn between a choice that could change her life forever – love or magic? In this extraordinary world, Louise is embraced by the boundless beauty of Nature, her every step immersed in its vibrant tapestry. Raised by a wise nanny, she dwells on the edge of a mysterious border separating her from the City, a place where the inhabitants have long been dormant, devoid of desires and devoid of love. But there is one boy in that somnolent world who has forever captured Louise's heart.
As the delicate threads of her story intertwine, a twelve-year-old Louise embarks on a journey to protect her cherished home from impending destruction. Along the way, she must navigate the art of flight and seek to heal the rift between humanity and the natural world. But can she accomplish these extraordinary feats while her heart aches with the weight of true love?
Discover a mesmerizing tale that delves deep into the human spirit, urging us to question our own choices and desires. Louise's struggles resonate within us all as she grapples with the timeless dilemmas of truth versus falsehood and emotion versus illusion. As you turn each page, be transported into a world where love, magic, and the power of the heart seek to conquer all obstacles.
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