Методическое пособие «От слов к делу». Часть 2 «Кружало». Часть 3 «Здрава»

Методическое пособие «От слов к делу». Часть 2 «Кружало». Часть 3 «Здрава»


Жанр: Руководства, Здоровье

The book introduces the "РОС" - Russian Health System, which has been steadily developing for many years. This system is based on the natural movement system "Beloyar", supplemented by the ancient Russian methods of enhancing the healing effect - "pravki" and "ladki", as well as the essential component of Russian consciousness and lifestyle - "banya" (sauna). Each health system within the "РОС" system strengthens itself and enhances the effects of other systems. The book explores two major components of "РОС" - "MED" and "LAD". "MED" refers to the World of Natural Movement, which is most pronounced in three-year-old children. This period is characterized by the formation of basic motor mechanisms, while the influence on the structure of movement in the cerebral hemispheres is still minimal. The "МЕД" practices, such as "Beloyar", "Zdrava", "Zhiva", and the Slavic self-defense system "Kruzhalo", are explored in detail. On the other hand, "LAD" represents harmony within oneself, within the family, and in the world. It encompasses various aspects of human existence and the whole world, aiming to restore order and balance. The book delves into massage practices of our ancestors, "pravki" and "ladki", the "Banya" School of Vasily Lyakhov, as well as psychological trainings on interaction between men and women and working with the world around. In summary, the book provides a concise overview of the "РОС" system and introduces the basics of the Vladimir self-defense system "Kruzhalo".

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