8. Потребление боеприпасов и топлива в мирное время значительно меньше их потребления в военное время.
9. Эффективное логистическое планирование способствует эффективности боевой силы армии.
10. Управление цепями поставок в военной логистике подразумевает расчет затрат, потребления и будущего спроса.
11. Цель логистики можно считать достигнутой, если определенный продукт необходимого качества доставлен нужному потребителю по удовлетворяющей его цене, в необходимом количестве, в нужное время и в нужное место.
12. Профессионал, работающий в сфере логистики, называется логистом.
13. Главная задача производственной логистики – это обеспечение производства продукции необходимого качества и количества в установленные сроки.
10. Complete the sentences in present simple or present continuous using given verbs in brackets (See Language Notes):
1. When large population displacements .....>1 (take) place, whether spontaneous or organized, humanitarian assistance......>2 (become) crucial – and urgent.
2. The purpose of the procurement process is to make sure that the organizations involved in relief management ......>3 (have) the resources needed to meet identified needs.
3. Right now the trucks .......>4 (deliver) aid to the people affected by a disaster.
4. If the disaster .......>5 (destroy) most homes in a given area, large local “migrations” may take place within the same urban environment, as victims ......>6 (look) for shelter in the homes of relatives and friends.
5. Transport is the means whereby supplies .....>7 (reach) the places where they are needed.
6. They .....>8 (deliver) the emergency supplies to ultimate recipients now.
7. In the case of mass displacements of people, the victims usually ......>9 (not carry) much provision.
8. At the moment we.....>10 (observe) the most effective use of available resources.
9. Procurement, storage, mobilization, distribution ......>11 (require) an organizational structure.
10. We are observing now that trucks and trains ......... >12 (transfer) enough resources to cover the needs of an affected area.
11. Make the dialogue “Logistics” according to the given plan:
A. The definition of logistics.
B. Professional logisticians.
C. The definition of logistics from the Oxford English Dictionary.
D. The origin of the term “logistics”.
E. The importance of supply chain management in military logistics.
F. A good logistical planning as a condition of the efficient fighting force.
G. Business logistics.
H. Production logistics.
Prompts for asking for opinions, making suggestions.
What do you think? What’s your opinion? What’s your view?
I think. I don’t think. In my opinion…That’s true.
I agree…Absolutely! Exactly.
I think so too.
I see. I know what you mean, but.
I’m afraid I can’t agree…I think we should.
Maybe, but…How about…? Why don’t we…? Maybe! Perhaps we could.
1. Read the following international words. Define their meanings comparing them to the meanings of the corresponding Russian words:
brand, business, company, contract, courier, design, document, express, fact, global, industry, international, leader, management, myriad, ocean, office, project, start, terminal, territory.