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Читать Владение и владельческая защита в гражданском праве



Theory and practice of civil law and civil procedure

A. V. Konovalov


3d edition, supplemented

Saint Petersburg

Yuridichesky Center Press


Редакционная коллегия серии «Теория и практика гражданского права и гражданского процесса»

А. П. Сергеев (отв. ред.), Е. А. Суханов (отв. ред.), И. П. Грешников, В. Ф. Попондопуло (отв. ред.), В. Н. Плигин (отв. ред.), Л. А. Баталова, Н. С. Волженкина, Н. Д. Егоров, И. В. Елисеев, А. В. Коновалов, И. Н. Косицкая, Д. В. Костенников, Л. А. Кривоносова, Д. Г. Лавров, Н. Э. Лившиц, С. В. Нарижний, Д. В. Петров, Ю. С. Пилипенко, Т. Б. Полякова, В. И. Телятников, Н. А. Чечина


Д. В. Костенников, начальник юридического отдела аппарата полномочного представителя Президента РФ в Северо-Западном федеральном округе

А. П. Сергеев, доктор юридических наук, профессор

И. И. Сыдорук, прокурор Московской области, доктор юридических наук, государственный советник юстиции 2-го класса

Editorial Board of the Series “Theory and Practice of Civil Law and Civil Procedure”

A. P. Sergeev (managing editor), E. A. Sukhanov (managing editor), I. P. Greshnikov, V. F. Popondopoulo (managing editor), V N. Pligin (managing editor), L. A. Batalova, N. S. Volzhenkina, N. D. Egorov, I. V Eliseev, A. V Konovalov, I. N. Kositskaya, D. V Kostennikov, L. A. Krivonosova, D. G Lavrov, N. E. Livshits, S. V Narizhny, D. V Petrov, Yu. S. Pilipenko, T. B. Polyakova, V I. Telyatnikov, N. A. Chechina


Head of Legal Department of the Apparatus of the Plenipotentiary of the President of the RF in the North-West Federal Region D. V. Kostennikov Doctor of Law, professor A. P. Sergeev Procurator of Moscow Region, State Councilor of Justice of the 2>nd Class, Doctor of Law I. I. Sydoruk

Possession and Possessory Protection in Civil Law. 3d edition, supplemented. – St. Petersburg: “Yuridichesky Center Press”, 2004. – 405 p.

For the last decade the book has been the first monograph research directly devoted to the concept of possession and such specific kind of its protection as possessory process.

The author has formulated a number of theoretical conclusions and proposals based on profound study of different aspects of actual possession, the right of ownership, and rights in rem. Some of these conclusions turned out to be recallable when working out “The Concept of Development of Civil Legislation on Immovable Things” by a working group of the Council on Codification and Improvement of Civil Legislation of the President of the RF. The third edition of the book takes into account the changes that have taken place in the current legislation and law enforcement practice; the concept of prescription by possession has got an additional detailed working out. The work analyses the practice of consideration of property suits, works out the proposals concerning integration of simplification of actual possession protection procedure into Russian civil procedure. The book contains a detailed historical-analytical essay on protection of possession in pre-revolutionary Russian and foreign law, in particular, in Anglo-American law.

The book is addressed to scholars and practitioners who are specialized in the field of law of property, protection of the right of ownership, and actual possession. It can be used in the courses of Civil Law, Civil Procedure, and Roman Private Law.