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Составитель Николай Сергеевич Лустов

ISBN 978-5-0059-9882-8

Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero


Сборник IV Республиканской научно-практической online конференции «Образование XXI века: проблемы, тенденции и перспективы», создан на базе Дистанционного образовательного портала «Евразийская наука». Дистанционный образовательный портал «Евразийская наука» – сетевая многофункциональная открытая площадка, созданная для педагогов, воспитателей, школьников, студентов и магистрантов.

Миссия портала – повышение профессионального мастерства педагогов и обучающихся, доступности удовлетворения их запросов и ожиданий на основе использования разнообразных форм и технологий сетевых изданий.

Дистанционный образовательный портал «Евразийская наука» является средством массовой информации в сфере образования (Свидетельство о постановке на учет, переучет периодического печатного издания, информационного агентства и сетевого издания №17367-СИ выдано 22.11.2018 г. Комитетом информации Министерства информации и коммуникаций Республики Казахстан).

Abadildayeva Shyryn, Kaldybek Meruert

Accommodating learning disabilities in the English language classroom

(Қорқыт Ата атындағы Қызыдорда университеті, Қызылорда қ.)

One of the greatest treasures of humankind lies in the diversity of its different personalities with different abilities. Acceptance and recognition of differences is one of the key principles of building mutual respect. In the world of education many people find it difficult to find their place and adapt to system requirements. The idea of inclusive education and acceptance children with special educational needs, so the «educational imperative» in today’s modern age.

The purpose of this article is to provide English teachers with basic tools to help English learners with learning difficulties excel in English class. Article one defines a learning disability and difficulty in determining certain difficulties are the result learning disability or struggle with language acquisition. He then describes the following learning methods that help support students with learning disabilities: (1) the Inclusive Classroom, (2) Universal Design for Learning (UDL), (3) Scaffolding, and (4) Peer-assisted Learning Strategies (PALS).

Historically, there has been a certain degree of complexity in the definition of learning disability and specific a common definition has not yet been agreed; however, as a broad conceptual construct, learning disabilities can be understood as «unexpected dissatisfaction», where «The severity of failure… is unexpectedly, because the person is not adequately responded to the instruction, which effective for most people» (Fletcher etet al. 2019, 4). under wide cover underachievement, Burr, Haas and Ferrier (2015, 3) specifically define learning disabilities as «a neurological condition that interferes with the ability of a person to store, process, or produce information. learning disabilities may affect a student’s ability to read, write, speak, spell, calculate math or reason attention, memory, coordination of students, social skills and emotional maturity. All learning disabilities are characterized by difficulty in at least one area of academic performance. Problems with literacy skills constitute the most common form of education disability (Klingner and Eppolito, 2014). Other factors that may appear as scholastic the inefficiency must be eliminated. American Association for Learning Disabilities (2020) states that «People with learning disabilities should not to be confused with learning problems, which are primarily the result of visual, auditory or motor deficiencies; mental retardation; from emotional disorder; or environmental, cultural or economic disadvantages.» [1]