* * *
1. I am Sir Oracle,
And, when I ope my lips, let no dog bark!
Merchant of Venice. Act i. Scene 1.
2. A woman: and for secrecy,
No lady closer.
Henry IV. Part I. Act ii. Scene 3.
3. I am so full of business, I cannot answer thee acutely.
All’s Well That Ends Well. Act i. Scene 1.
4. A braver soldier never couched lance,
A gentler heart did never sway in court.
Henry VI. Part I. Act iii. Scene 2.
5. Above my fortunes, yet my state is well:
I am a gentleman.
Twelfth Night. Act i. Scene 5.
6. Infirm of purpose!
Macbeth. Act ii. Scene 2.
7. Being a woman, I will not be slack
To play my part in fortune’s pageant.
Henry VI. Part II. Act i. Scene 2.
8. But man, proud man!
Drest in a little brief authority.
Measure for Measure. Act ii. Scene 2.
9. To answer every man directly, and briefly,
Wisely, and truly. Wisely I say, I am a bachelor.
Julius Caesar. Act iii. Scene 3.
10. Perfect.
Henry IV. Part I. Act ii. Scene 4.
11. A man, who is the abstract of all faults
That all men follow.
Antony and Cleopatra. Act i. Scene 4.
12. A woman of an invincible spirit.
Henry VI. Part II. Act i. Scene 4.
13. A very superficial, ignorant, unweighing fellow.
Measure for Measure. Act iii. Scene 2.
14. A promise-breaker.
Coriolanus. Act i. Scene 8.
15. A man, worth any woman.
Cymbeline. Act i. Scene 2.
16. A railing wife.
Henry IV. Part I. Act iii. Scene 1.
17. I am an ass, I am a woman’s man, and
besides myself.
Comedy of Errors. Act iii. Scene 2.
18. I am the very pink of courtesy.
Romeo and Juliet. Act ii. Scene 4.
19. An angel! or, if not,
An earthly paragon!
Cymbeline. Act iii. Scene 6.
20. As opposite to every good,
As the antipodes.
Henry VI. Part III. Act i. Scene 4.
* * *
1. A quietness of spirit.
Merchant of Venice. Act iv. Scene 1.
2. Good, your highness, patience.
Antony and Cleopatra. Act ii. Scene 5.
3. Faint deeds, hollow welcomes,
Recanting goodness, sorry ere ’t is shown.
Timon of Athens. Act i. Scene 2.
4. Liberal thanks.
Antony and Cleopatra. Act ii. Scene 6.
5. Shallow spirit of judgment.
Henry VI. Part I. Act ii. Scene 4.
6. That glib and oily art,
To speak and purpose not.
King Lear. Act i. Scene 1.
7. The slanderous tongue.
Measure for Measure. Act iii. Scene 2.
8. A patient sufferance.
Much Ado About Nothing. Act i. Scene 3.
9. Sweet words,
Low crooked curt’sies, and base spaniel fawning.
Julius Caesar. Act iii. Scene 1.
10. Defect of manners, want of government,
Pride, haughtiness, opinion, and disdain.
Henry IV. Part I. Act iii. Scene 1.
11. Ingratitude!
King Lear. Act i. Scene 4.
12. Back-wounding calumny.
Measure for Measure. Act iii. Scene 2.
13. Modest stillness and humility.
Henry V. Act iii. Scene 1.
14. Self-harming jealousy!
Comedy of Errors. Act ii. Scene 1.
15. Fear and doting.
Antony and Cleopatra. Act iii. Scene 9.
16. Vaulting ambition.
Macbeth. Act i. Scene 7.
17. Scorn, and defiance; slight regard, contempt.
Henry V. Act ii. Scene 4.
18. Vainness, and self-glorious pride.
Henry V. Act v. Chorus.
19. A base, ignoble mind.
Henry VI. Part II. Act ii. Scene 1.
20. A mind impatient,
An understanding simple and unschool’d.
Hamlet. Act i. Scene 2.
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