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abashed and ashamed

abhorrence and repulsion

abilities and attainments

abject and hopeless

ably and vigorously

abrupt and perilous

absolute and eternal

absorbed and occupied

abstinence and self-denial

abstract and metaphysical

absurd and impertinent

abundant and sustained

abuse and slander

accentual and rhythmic

accidental and temporary

accomplished and popular

accurate and illuminating

achievement and character

acquisition and possession

active and aggressive

actual and immediate

acute and painful

admirable and accomplished

adorned and amplified

adroitness and judgment

adventurous and prodigal

advice and assistance

affable and courteous

affectation and coquetry

affectionate and warm-hearted

affluent and exuberant

affright and abhorrence

agencies and influences

ages and generations

aggrandizement and plunder

agreeable and ingenuous

aggressive and sullen

aghast and incredulous

agility and briskness

agitate and control

agony and despair

aids and auxiliaries

aim and purpose

airy and frivolous

alarm and uneasiness

alert and unsparing

all and sundry

allegiance and fidelity

alone and undistracted

alterations and additions

amazement and admiration

ambiguity and disagreement

ambition and determination

amiable and unpretending

ample and admirable

amusing and clever

analytical and critical

anarchy and chaos

ancient and venerable

anecdote and reminiscence

anger and fury

anguish and hopelessness

animated and effective

anomalies and absurdities

antagonism and opposition

antipathies and distastes

antiquated and obsolete

anxiety and trepidation

apathy and torpor

apologetic and uneasy

appalling and devastating

apparent and palpable

appearance and surroundings

apprehensive and anxious

appropriate and eloquent

approve and admire

apt and novel

archness and vivacity [archness = inappropriate playfulness]

ardent and aspiring

argument and inference

arid and unprofitable

arrangement and combination

arrogant and overbearing

artificial and elaborate

artistic and literary

artlessness and urbanity

ashamed and speechless

aspects and phases

aspiring and triumphal

assiduity and success

assimilated and combined

assuaged and pacified

astonished and curious

astound and perplex

athletic and nimble

atonement and forgiveness

atrocious and abominable

attacks and intrigues

attention and respect

attitudes and expressions

attractiveness and ability

audacity and skill

august and splendid

austere and icy

available and capable

avarice and cruelty

avidity and earnestness [avidity = desire; craving]

awake and active

awe and reverence

awkwardness and crudity


babel and confusion

backbone and sinew

baffled and disappointed

balanced and forceful

barbarity and wickedness

bards and sages

base and unworthy

beam and blaze

bearing and address

beautiful and majestic

bedraggled and disappointed

befogged and stupefied

beliefs and practises

bellowing and shouting

benevolence and candor

benign and hopeful

bent and disposition

benumbed and powerless

bewildered and stupefied

bigots and blockheads

billing and cooing

birth and breeding

bite and sting

bits and scraps

bitter and disdainful

black and solitary

bland and ingenious

blasphemous and profane

bleak and unrelenting

blend and harmonize

blessing and benediction

blind and unreasoning

blundering and plundering

blurred and confused

bluster and vulgarity