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Читать Словарь английских синонимов и синонимичных выражений. Том I. A – I.



Volume I


a.      stands for Adjective.

ad.      Adverb.

Alg.      Algebra.

Anat.      Anatomy.

Arch.      Architecture.

Arith.      Arithmetic.

Astrol.      Astrology.

Astron.      Astronomy.

Bot.      Botany.

Chem.      Chemistry.

Com.      Commerce.

conj.      Conjunction.

Eccl.      Ecclesiastical.

Eng.      England, or English.

Ent.      Entomology.

Fort.      Fortification.

Fr.      French.

Geol.      Geology.

Geom.      Geometry.

Gram.      Grammar.

Gr.      Greek.

Her.      Heraldry.

Ich.      Ichthyology.

interj.      Interjection.

It.      Italian.

L.      Latin.

Math.      Mathematics.

Med.      Medicine.

Meteor.      Meteorology.

Mil.      Military.

Min.      Mineralogy.

Mythol.      Mythology.

Mus.      Music.

Naut.      Nautical.

n.      Noun.

Ornith.      Ornithology.

pl.      Plural.

prep.      Preposition.

Rhet.      Rhetoric.

Sculp.      Sculpture.

sing.      Singular.

Sp.      Spanish.

Surg.      Surgery.

Theol.      Theology.

U. S.      United States.

v. a.      Verb Active.

v. n.      Verb Neuter.

Zoöl.      Zoölogy.

Small Capitals in the printing of a word or a phrase, indicate a reference to that word in its alphabetical place, where additional synonymes, or some information in regard to it, may be found.

When a word has more than one signification, the separate groups of synonymes, corresponding to the several meanings, are designated by figures.



Aback, ad. Backwards, rearwards, regressively.

Abaft, prep. (Naut.) Behind, back of, in the rear of.

Abaft, ad. (Naut.) Aft, behind, astern, rearward, back, in the rear.

Abalienate, v. a. (Law.) Alienate, transfer, convey, demise, make over, deliver over.

Abalienation, n. (Law.) Alienation, transfer, demise, conveyance.

Abandon, v. a. 1. Leave, relinquish, quit, forsake, desert, evacuate, drop, abjure, forswear, give over, cast off, retire from, withdraw from.

2. Surrender, cede, yield, resign, forego, renounce, waive, vacate, abdicate, deliver up, give up, part with, let go, lay down.

Abandoned, a. 1. Relinquished, deserted, forsaken, cast away, rejected, discarded, given up, given over, cast off.

2. Depraved, corrupted, corrupt, profligate, vicious, sinful, wicked, dissolute, reprobate, graceless, shameless, unprincipled, lost, obdurate, hardened, impenitent, incorrigible, irreclaimable, demoralized, lost to shame, dead to honor.

Abandonment, n. 1. Abandoning, relinquishment, desertion, dereliction.

2. Renunciation, surrender, cession, resignation, abnegation, abjuration, rejection, abdication.

Abarticulation, n. (Med.) Diarthrosis.

Abase, v. a. 1. Depress, lower, reduce, drop, sink, stoop, cast down, let down, let fall.

2. Degrade, humble, disgrace, dishonor, humiliate, debase, bring low, take down.

Abasement, n. 1. Depression, detrusion, reduction, lowering, fall, deterioration, degradation, debasement, degeneracy, vitiation, perversion, depravation.

2. Abjectness, abjection, vileness, baseness, contemptibleness, despicableness.

3. Humiliation, condescension, submission, submissiveness, resignation, humility, meekness, humbleness, lowliness, self-abasement.

Abash, v. a. Shame, mortify, confuse, confound, disconcert, discompose, discountenance, humiliate, humble, snub, put to shame, make ashamed, put down, put out of countenance, take down, send away with a flea in one's ear.