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Many wonder why those who commit evil deeds often don’t face consequences, while good people may suffer unjustly. But the laws of karma are not that simple. No good or bad deed goes without consequences.

Types of Karma

There are four types of karma: Sanchita Karma, Prarabdha Karma, Kriyamana Karma, and Agami Karma (Vartamana Karma).

Sanchita Karma

This is the reservoir of all karma a person has (including all incarnations). It clears if the person engages in personal development, and as long as there is something to correct, they will be born again and again. If the person does not grow spiritually, the debts, sins, deeds, idleness, wrong thoughts, and everything they didn’t understand accumulate in the Sanchita Karma.

Prarabdha Karma

This is the karma to be corrected in this life (only in this life, which essentially constitutes the results of the soul’s many incarnations). Prarabdha Karma is usually very harsh. It cannot be avoided. The Vedic horoscope is the reflection of Prarabdha Karma. This karma predetermines certain events in life and longevity.

Kriyamana Karma

This is karma that operates quickly, these are the results of actions in the current life. But sometimes it happens that a person did something now and will only pay for it in the next life (Agami Karma).

Agami Karma

This is karma that can be changed after understanding an action, any act or non-action.

Jyotish is divided into three main parts: Ganita, Samhita, and Hora.


Ganita – Astrological observation (astronomy). Earlier, when there were no computers, texts were used to describe the movement of the planets for the next 5 years. Nowadays, computers calculate everything. Ganita is divided into two parts: one is Ganita and the other is Gola.


Gola emphasizes philosophical observation related to the movement of planets. Observing the position of a certain planet and what phenomena are occurring in the sky at that time. Nowadays, astrologers no longer deal with this. It is the job of astronomers.


This part of astrology is responsible for laws and regulations. These are laws for conducting religious rituals, for example. Samhita answers the question of what to do when a certain event occurs in a person’s life.


This part of astrology is used by astrologers. Today, they don’t deal with Ganita and Samhita. Hora is divided into four parts: Jatana, Nimita, Prashna, Muhurta.


Jatana deals with the birth chart, the combinations of planets, everything related to a person’s horoscope.


This is predictive astrology, based on diagnosing and predicting events according to signs (body signs, natural phenomena, based on the behavior of animals, birds, unusual situations, surprising encounters). This part of astrology is not particularly researched, but it works in extraordinary ways. It includes various signs carrying subtext and signals of karma. But it is important to pay attention to them. Dreams are also related to Nimita.

Here, I will give some examples. The first story is related to the famous ship, Admiral Nakhimov. Someone I know bought a ticket for a cruise for her daughter. Three days before the cruise, the ticket disappeared, although it was always in plain sight in the closet. Then a new ticket was purchased. Obviously, everything ended in tragedy.