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Sewage treatment plant

Sewage Part 1

sewage tank – танк с отработанной водой

settling tank – отстойник

sterilization tank – стерилизационный танк

chlorine – хлор

add running water – добавить проточной воды

diluting water valve – клапан разбавления воды

a lot of – много

are flushed out – вымываться

a little water – мало воды

sludge – ил

will appear – появиться

Put words in gaps:

sewage tank – танк с отработанной водой

settling tank – отстойник

sterilization tank – стерилизационный танк

chlorine – хлор

add running water – добавить проточной воды

diluting water valve – клапан разбавления воды

1. The …………………….. in a ship is a deep tank in the engine room which is used for gravity-based pre-cleaning of fuel oils.

2. We need to …………………………….if there are many bacteria.

3. The cruise ships pump their wastewater to these facilities, which convey the water in pipes to the ……………………….

4. ……………………………….is a valve for adding running water.

5. The pump is run on auto mode controlled by the level switches installed in the ……………….

6……………………… is a strong oxidizing agent (a chemical substance that gives up or takes on electrons from another substance).

a lot of – много

are flushed out – вымываться

a little water – мало воды

sludge – ил

will appear – появиться

7. Bacteria ………………………of the system, if you don’t give them enough time to go through the system.

8. In this case ………………must be treated and disposed of in a safe and effective way.

9. Mix the powder of one probiotics capsule with……………………

10…………. bacteria is bad for the system.

11. But in time cracks …………………….

Read the text and do exercises:

Sewage plant


Settling tank

Sterilization tank (chlorine)

We add running water with a diluting water valve.

If a lot of running water is added, bacteria are flushed out.

If a little water is added, a lot of sludge will appear.

Put sentences in correct order:

We add running water with a diluting water valve.

If a lot of running water is added, bacteria are flushed out.

If a little water is added, a lot of sludge will appear.

Settling tank

Sterilization tank (chlorine)


Sewage plant


Write words in the gaps:

Sewage plant


Settling tank

Sterilization tank (chlorine)

We add ………….. with a ………………….

If a lot of running water is added, bacteria are .………………..

If a little water is added, a lot of ……………. will appear.

Sewage Part 2

all contents – все содержимое

need to be mixed – нужно перемешать

barbotage – барботаж, аэрация

air is compressed – воздух сжимается

special blower – специальная воздуходувка

distributed with – распределяется при помощи

set of valves – набор клапанов

air is supplied – воздух подается

Put words in gaps:

1. During this process, the ………………………and discharged out of the pump.

2. The ……………………and removed from the premises by using ventilators.

3. Ensure that ………………….are protected from water ingress.

4. The Company is the largest Czech producer and supplier of ………………………….and equipment for the extraction and transport of explosive gasses.