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When reading a channeling, remember—no external information can be 100% accurate. Listen to yourself first and foremost. All the information you need is already within each of us.



It seems to me that this book began with crochet. The pattern required six stitches in each loop, and I methodically counted: six, six, six… Numbers govern the universe, as someone great once said. And then one day, while I was waiting in line at the tire shop, the name "Lucifer" suddenly echoed in my mind. By that time, the gift of channeling, or telepathic communication with the Higher Forces of the Cosmos, had already awakened in me, so I understood that He, Lucifer, wanted to tell me something. I wasn’t afraid, even though He is considered the originator of Darkness. I simply asked, "What do you want?" and began, as usual, to write down the answers. That's how the "Conversations with Lucifer" came to be, which now encompass more than a thousand pages of text.

Now, when I reread these conversations, I’m astonished: Did I really write this? Because I realize I could never have invented such a coherent and perfect system for describing the laws of the Universe, which He conveyed to me over four years. It was always unobtrusive, only at my request, and only in response to my questions. It seemed as though He was tired of being alone, deeply missing his great Father-Creator, and was glad that someone was finally willing to listen to him. Every page of the text is filled with this longing, and strangely enough, with love for God.

The fallen archangel, cursed by religions and whose name is associated with evil in all its forms, told me that the world is built on love. Like the prodigal son in the famous parable, who ventured far from his father’s house and longs to return, but cannot because he has been divided into parts, and his return depends on the desire of each part to come back.

At first, of course, I tried to test Him, to catch Him in a lie. I asked many questions, which my mind eagerly sought out or were sent to me by others, and I also accused Him of all the sins of humanity. But He patiently and calmly answered every seemingly tricky question and consistently explained to me the laws of the Universe. After a while, I began to feel Him as, you could say, a friend and a pleasant conversationalist, someone with whom it was always interesting to talk. I published all these conversations online.

He told me that He has two sides: dark and light. He addresses each person with the side that corresponds to that person. He cannot reject the Darkness because He himself is the originator of the division of the world into two poles. But He will never approach me with His dark side unless I myself wish it.

Of course, there were those who wrote that I had been ensnared by dark forces, that I needed to repent and go to a monastery, that I didn’t understand what I was doing. And when I asked them, "Well, show me at least one paragraph of the text that would be an expression of Darkness," they replied, "You don’t understand. He’s deliberately luring you in, so that under a pile of generally correct information, He can sneak in disinformation!" But there were also many letters of gratitude. People read and became fascinated along with me. And these texts, as they wrote, began to change their consciousness, reshape it, and open up new knowledge.