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Hyperman’s Origin

In an alternate Universe in the year 56200 AD, a human boy named J. Christopher Trigonum was born. For some reason, his full first name has since been lost/obscured to all but Trigonum himself, and so only he will ever know what it means (If his first name even begins with a "J" for that matter).

So incredibly advanced was the native universe of Trigonum, that time travel was already invented in the year 456 BC. Needless to say, Trigonum already had access to the benefits of a highly evolved universe upon birth. But this Earth was not a perfect utopia by any stretch. In fact, some might even say that it was this rapid advancement that led to a decline in the quality of life for many of the inhabitants of earth; or, at least, one of the Earths.


Long before the birth of Trigonum, humans had used their High Technology to wage war amongst themselves. The climax of this war, World War Six, was so catastrophic that the planet itself was split apart. This cataclysm is known as The Schism, in which shortly afterwards Earth became established as two separate planets – Terra and Gaea. The two planets had different ideals and laws, and were politically at odds with each-other a lot of the time.

The Terrans were the humans whose advancement had never stopped or even slowed following The Schism. Their science and technology was far superior to those of the Gaeans, but it had come at the cost of a clean spacious planet. The vast amount of industrialization which was born as a side-effect from the mass-production of technology caused much pollution, especially in its lower societal echelons that most of the impoverished humans were restricted to. They had an imbalanced economy, relying almost solely on industrial services to keep themselves afloat. Its air, water and soil was heavily polluted to the extent that it even corrupted its inhabitants' genes, making them sickly, weak and terminally ill.

Gaea, meanwhile, was a cleaner planet, free of toxins and pollution, and still with remaining patches of pure, untouched virgin nature. However, the Gaeans were far more "primitive" than the Terrans, due to their slower progression of science and their vastly outdated technology. However, one thing that they had which Terra did not was Time Travel. The Gaeans are the only ones who were able to save their time travel research and technology in The Schism, and they were able to further advance it afterwards.

As can be seen, Trigonum's life did not begin in the best circumstances, especially considering that he was born on Terra and grew up in one of its most urbanized and overcrowded slums. Trigonum remembered nothing of his birth parents, and neither did those who had found him. His childhood primarily was spent in an orphanage that he was supposedly left on the doorstep of after being born, where he labored away every day until being legally old enough to work a job, consisting of even harder and more rigorous labor. Although any "normal" boy (in Terran standards) would have been fatigued beyond all functioning, Trigonum was actually incredibly robust and energetic. This earned him the nickname among his peers as "hyper-man".