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The story of the future

Very often in life we think whether we need to know "it". If we decide that we don't, later we find ourselves in a situation, perhaps tragic, when we needed this very knowledge, but we will never know about it, alas, because we didn't get this knowledge once. This is the paradox.

Let us imagine that you and I are performing an experiment; it needs components, including achievements of science, i.e. theories, hypotheses, precise data. For example, if we were going to cook a dish, we would need ingredients, the same ingredients. Here, too, you and I will make an experiment, still mental, virtual, in imagination, a flight to distant worlds. Let's talk and discuss whether it is possible, and if it is possible, then how. Imagine yourself an inhabitant of the ancient world, with whom they discuss the possibility of flights into space. Now transfer this to a discussion about flying to distant worlds. Create a virtual parallel of what was magical and became real to what is considered magical and unreal now. Because we will dive into science, into the grandiose infinite world around us, discuss the prospects of cloning, copying consciousness and rewriting it into a clone, and most importantly… flights of this very consciousness to distant worlds. Worlds which, according to my belief, which I substantiate as the theory of infinity, should be… and must be an exact copy of our world. Although, by the same theory, there must be many that are both slightly and much different from ours.

When people used to ask me what my books were about, I tried to explain in detail at least the essence of what I was writing about, but eventually I realized: it is useless to explain algebra to a first-grader, and to a person who knows the basics of algebra – a matrix and linear functions. He must first learn and understand these basics. Among other things, books of non-fiction genre exist for this purpose. That's why I began to answer later on: I write great books.

One of the examples of dialogues, which I have reflected, including in fiction, I will give here. And also, my dear interlocutor, I will tell you that my memory is good… perhaps yours is better, so many things will not be new for you, but I have memorized many things by heart. Tell me, I couldn't have made it all up, I didn't dream it up, it wasn't written into my brain. However, I will say that this book is not for those who want to get scientific knowledge. You know where to get them, respectively, and read it will be those who need scientific knowledge. Here we will plunge into the amusing world of facts of science, the magnitudes of the immense cosmos, waiting for our conquest of the universe, as well as a possible variant of our existence in the future.

My esteemed reader, in order to listen to you, I will have a discussion, a dialog with you. But excuse me, I will address you both in you and in you, you will be both a man and a woman. The worlds are parallel. I hope you get the point. So, let's get started.

Chapter 1: That is the beginning

Few people know that the theory about the existence of many worlds, which are copies, consequence or consequence of our world, is studied scientifically and there are quite logical hypotheses. One of them is faced by a human being with each of his actions: the state of the world now and in infinity depends on how we act. So people change the world they live in, and only because they know only the one they feel, they consider it to be the only real one. If at the moment of choosing some action several of us would appear and each of us would act differently, and then after a huge period of time all of us would meet and tell what the world has become depending on that action – then we would be able to comprehend parallel worlds in reality. Now we can only rejoice (or regret, depending on the result) what happened or suppose what would have happened if we had managed to do something differently then, in the past.