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While still quite a boy, I became interested in the "Prophecies" by Michel Nostradamus. The name of this talented person was well known to many in those years, many secrets were hidden behind him. And since youth and the thirst for knowledge are inseparable concepts, it goes without saying that my desire to comprehend the incomprehensible in those years was very great.

The vague lines of the creation of the greatest prophet of all time excited the young consciousness, but there was no sense from this. I had too little useful information at that time, lacked knowledge and experience.

However, this did not prevent me from re-reading both the Prophecies themselves many times, and hunting in bookstores and libraries for works by various authors on this topic. Soon I even had a small personal library, collected from books about Nostradamus and his creations.

Now I will say that there was not much that was useful in those books: historical information on the era in which Nostradamus lived, and a description of his biographical data. That, perhaps, is all. The rest, for the most part, was of little value.

Years passed, and already this library of mine began to be covered with a layer of dust. I have other worries, hobbies and interests. Fortunately, at least she did not go to waste paper.

And so, a few years ago, I decided to wipe the dust from these books. It was then that I remembered the passion of my youth. He took out the “Prophecy” from the shelf and began flipping through the pages of the text again. The further I leafed through, the more I remembered everything, and the understanding came that the time was already different, not like in the years of youth. His Majesty the Internet could now fill many gaps in my knowledge on this topic.

In general, a spark appeared in my eyes again, and I completely immersed myself in that mysterious world that the prophet from the sixteenth century created.

The whole study really took place already on a completely different level. I saw the original works of Nostradamus, had the opportunity to draw my own conclusions about them, got acquainted with the works of many researchers of his talent, some of which were very eminent. Yes, by that time I had already begun to develop my own understanding of the texts of the Prophecies, and at some point I could well have written some small book on this topic myself. Perhaps not too ordinary, since some ideas of the relationship of quatrains-prophecies with real events of history were quite original and even interesting, in my opinion. But…

… Just one single evening at that time completely turned everything on its head in my understanding of the secret writing of Michel Nostradamus. His book was then opened to the pages with quatrain number fifteen of the first century:


Mars nous menasse par sa force bellique , Mars leads us with military force,

Septante foys fera le sang espandre : Seventy times blood will be shed:

Auge & ruyne de l ' Ecclesiastique , Apogee and destruction of the Ecclesiastical,

Et plus ceux qui deux rien voudront entendre . And more than those who wish nothing from them