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A traveling sage saw a man who was guarding something. The guard asked the sage:

«Who are you? Where are you going? What for?»

The sage was amazed by these questions and asked:

«How much do they pay you here?»

«Two cans of rice,» the guard answered.

«Listen, I will pay you four cans every day for you to ask me these questions:

'Who are you? Where are you going? And what for?'» said the sage.

The parable

There are eternal questions that mankind has tried in vain to answer for centuries, but never has found suitable answers even when turning to the gods or science.

Who are we, where did we come from, where are we going to? What is the meaning of our life? Did the higher beings create us with their own goals, or is our entire race an accident, a coincidence of favorable factors on this planet? What tasks should each of us solve during our lives? And if there are no unambiguous answers to such global questions, then what can we say about more personal human problems?!

But our life is like a mosaic: it consists of small individual fragments that add up to construct one big picture. And not all events in our life are joyful. Diseases that have no obvious causes; uncertainty of the life path; unloved work; boredom and loneliness; uncertainty and powerlessness; lack of love and understanding from our loved ones; financial problems; conflicts with other people. Everything of these, unfortunately, is a constituent of our life.

Mental pain and physical pain are present in our lives, no matter how much we would like to get rid of them. But how often do we look for the roots of the problem, how often do we talk to our soul or try to find answers in our own subconscious? Of course, it's easier to take a pill and wait for the pain to pass over. We do not mean only medications, we are talking in general about actions or feelings used to mitigate the pain that occurs.

But by doing so, we only temporarily muffle the pain, drive it inside ourselves, and sooner or later the problem appears again. Let's try to look at the pain from another side. Pain is a necessary factor for human survival, it is a great invention of nature. Pain in our body (and not only physical, but also psychological, mental pain) is an alarm signal.

«Something is going wrong,» our pain says, «take action immediately.» And it is necessary not only to eliminate the pain, but first of all to look for its causes.

Without understanding the causes of pain or discomfort, all actions will be useless. Indeed, when your back hurts, you don't swallow all the pills in row from your first aid kit. You go to the doctor to find out the reason, and only after that begin your treatment. Then why don't we do the same with our mental problems and psychological discomfort? Probably, we are not used to looking for reasons in our subconscious. More precisely, we do not think that this is even possible. And even, when receiving similar information from other people, we do not fully believe it. We don't know how to do it, we don't believe in our strength and we don't try to change something, that's our trouble…

Three years ago, one of the authors of this book received information that people may recall their past incarnations and solve many painful issues by reviewing the events of their past lives. There are several helpful books devoted to this issue, they describe some specific cases of recovery. For example, D. Cannon's «Five Lives Remembered», M.Newton's «Journey of Souls», and so on.