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Адаптировано из книги What Makes а Leader? («Как создать лидера?»), Harvard Business Review, январь 2004 года.


На основе материала с сайта hbr.org, 4 января 2018 года. Silvia P. J., O’Brien M. Self-Awareness and Constructive Functioning: Revisiting «the Human Dilemma» // Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology. Vol. 23, № 4 (August 2004): 475–489.


Ridley D. S., Schutz P. A., Glanz R. S., Weinstein C. E. Self-Regulated Learning: The Interactive Influence of Metacognitive Awareness and Goal-Setting // Journal of Experimental Education. Vol. 60, № 4 (summer 1992): 293–306; Fletcher C., Bailey C. Assessing Self-Awareness: Some Issues and Methods // Journal of Managerial Psychology. Vol. 18, № 5 (2003): 395–404; Sutton A., Williams H. M., Allinson C. W. A Longitudinal, Mixed Method Evaluation of Self-Awareness Training in the Workplace // European Journal of Training and Development. Vol. 39, № 7 (2015): 610–627.


Silvia P. J., O’Brien M. Self-Awareness and Constructive Functioning.


Church A. H. Managerial Self-Awareness in High-Performing Individuals in Organizations // Journal of Applied Psychology. Vol. 82, № 2 (April 1997): 281–292; Bass B. M., Yammarino F. J. Congruence of Self and Others’ Leadership Ratings of Naval Officers for Understanding Successful Performance // Applied Psychology. Vol. 40, № 4 (October 1991): 437–454.


Bass B. M., Yammarino F. J. Congruence of Self and Others’ Leadership Ratings of Naval Offi cers for Understanding Successful Performance; Wexley K. N., Alexander R. A., Greenawalt J., Couch M. A. Attitudinal Congruence and Similarity as Related to Interpersonal Evaluations in Manager-Subordinate Dyads // Academy of Management Journal. Vol. 23, № 2 (June 1980): 320–330; Okpara A., Edwin A. M., Self-Awareness and Organizational Performance in the Nigerian Banking Sector // European Journal of Research and Reflection in Management Sciences. Vol. 3, № 1 (2015): 53–70.


Daniel Goleman, blog, November 15, 2012. URL: http://www.danielgoleman.info/on-self-awareness/; Duval S., Wicklund R. A. Effects of Objective Self-Awareness on Attribution of Causality // Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. Vol. 9, № 1 (January 1973): 17–31.


Dierdorff E. C., Rubin R. S. Research: We’re Not Very Self-Aware, Especially at Work // Harvard Business Review. 12 March, 2015.