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Chapter 1: The New School

Sophie was starting a new school today. She felt nervous and unsure of what to expect. Sophie was an introverted child, which meant that she sometimes found social situations overwhelming.

As Sophie walked into her new classroom, she saw lots of children talking and laughing with each other.

Sophie felt a little lost and unsure of where to go. Just then, a kind teacher named Ms. Kim came over to say hello.

"Welcome to our class, Sophie!" said Ms. Kim with a warm smile. "I'm so happy you're here."

Sophie felt a little better. She followed Ms. Kim to her desk and started to unpack her bag. But when Sophie looked up, she saw that the other children were still talking and

laughing with each other. Sophie felt like she didn't know how to join in..

Ms. Kim noticed Sophie's hesitation and came over to check on her. "Is everything okay, Sophie?" she asked.

Sophie felt a lump in her throat. "I don't know how to make friends,"she whispered.

Ms. Kim knelt down next to Sophie's desk. "That's okay, Sophie," she said. "Making friends can be hard, especially when you're in a new place. But I have an idea. How about we find a special project for you to work on?

Maybe there's something you're really interested in, like drawing or writing or building things?"

Sophie thought about it for a moment. She loved drawing, and she had brought her favorite sketchbook with her.

"Okay," she said, feeling a little more hopeful. "I like to draw."

he said, feeling a little more hopeful. "I like to draw.

Chapter 2: The Talent Show

A few weeks later, the school was hosting a talent show. Sophie felt nervous when she heard about it. She didn't like being in front of a big audience, and she didn't know what talent she could share.

The other children in the class were excited about the talent show. They were practicing their songs, dances, and jokes. Sophie didn't know what to do.

One day, as Sophie was drawing in her sketchbook during recess, a boy named Jake came up to her. Jake was a friendly boy who always had a joke to tell.

"Hey, Sophie, what are you drawing?" he asked.

Sophie felt a little shy. "Just some pictures," she said.

Jake looked over her shoulder. "Wow, those are really cool," he said. "You're really good at drawing."