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Читать Английский разговорный язык. Практическое пособие по развитию устной речи



Настоящее издание – практическое пособие по развитию устной речи. В книгу включены тексты, в которых детализируется материал, представленный в уроках учебного пособия «Новый английский для экономистов»[1], а также дается дополнительная информация по важнейшим темам «экономического английского». Серьезные аналитические тексты сопровождаются шутками, забавными историями – которые, несмотря на свой развлекательный характер, также несут полезную информацию и языкового, и экономического характера.

Каждый текст сопровождается словарем и списком использованных словосочетаний, а также минимальным количеством упражнений, направленных на лучшее осмысление и запоминание информации. Тексты для дополнительного чтения взяты из компьютерного варианта газеты The Financial Times Limited[2]. В конце книги дается словарь и общий перечень словосочетаний, имеющих терминологический статус.

Книгой можно пользоваться как на занятиях английским языком в группе, так и при самостоятельном изучении «Делового английского».

1. Экономические системы

(The World Economic Systems)

Study The World Economic Systems and say what you would do if you had two cows…

Feudalism: You have two cows. Your lord takes some of the milk.

Pure socialism: You have two cows. The government takes them and puts them in a barn with everyone else's cows. You have to take care of all the cows. The government gives you as much milk as you need.

Bureaucratic socialism: You have two cows. The government takes them and puts them in a barn with everyone else's cows. They are cared for by ex-chicken farmers. You have to take care of the chickens the government took from the chicken farmers. The government gives you as much milk and as many eggs as the regulations say you should need.

Fascism: You have two cows. The government takes both, hires you to take care of them, and sells you the milk.

Pure communism: You have two cows. Your neighbours help you take care of them, and you all share the milk.

Russian communism: You have two cows. You have to take care of them, but the government takes all the milk.

Dictatorship: You have two cows. The government takes both and shoots you.

Singapore democracy: You have two cows. The government fines you for keeping two unlicensed animals in an apartment.

Militarism: You have two cows. The government takes both and drafts you.

Pure democracy: You have two cows. Your neighbours decide who gets the milk.

Representative democracy: You have two cows. Your neighbours pick someone to tell you who gets the milk.

American democracy: The government promises to give you two cows if you vote for it. After the election, the president is impeached for speculating in cow futures. The press dubs the affair «Cowgate».

British democracy: You have two cows. You feed them sheep's brains and they go mad. The government doesn't do anything.

Bureaucracy: You have two cows. At first the government regulates what you can feed them and when you can milk them. Then it pays you not to milk them. After that it takes both, shoots one, milks the other and pours the milk down the drain. Then it requires you to fill out forms accounting for the missing cows.
