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How does the Universe work?

Prophecy or prediction instead of a preface

When, in 1976, I created my model of the Universe, my teacher, Yakov Isaakovich Ostrovsky asked:

– Can you make any prediction based on your model?

– Yes, I can. Distant galaxies will scatter not with deceleration, as those who believe in the Big Bang think, but with acceleration. It is a pity that this won't be discovered until two hundred years later.

I made a mistake in determining the date. Less than thirty years later, there was no doubt about it.

But even today I can make a prediction based on my model of the Universe:

– Distances to the Sun, to the orbits of the Moon, planets of the solar system, as well as distances to all visible stars increase with acceleration. The value of this acceleration depends on the distance to these objects, and it is proportional to acceleration of distant galaxies. Due to the small distances to these objects, and, accordingly, the small values of this acceleration, it has not yet been detected. Of course, we are talking about average distances.

I don't know when it will be discovered, but this time, my prognosis – prediction – prophecy, will be published.


I hope you kids already know that the Earth is not a tray or dish standing on three whales, turtles, or just standing, like dinner, in front of the grandpa god's beard.

I'm not sure if you understand this, but you know this for sure.

I hope you know that the firmament that the stars are nailed to is not an actual firmament, and the stars – are the same (basically), as our star the sun.

I hope you know this. But many do not know how many and what lives were given for this knowledge.

Giordano Bruno is a specific person who was burned, but at least he has a name. And how many nameless geniuses were burned, walled up or crucified for this knowledge and other no less interesting things that today seem to us the only possible ones.

For this alone, all religions should be forbidden, and all religious figures who resist this ban should be treated as Giordano Bruno was treated.

But in this world everything is decided by money, and money belongs to the churches and the oligarch that unite these churches, and in one way or another they still prevent the getting and spreading knowledge about the world.

Fools are easier to control.

And if you think that most of today's mandatory education schools educate you, you are mistaken. They are trying to raise obedient sheep out of you. They tell you what you can learn even without these schools, but they tell you in a way that discourages you from wishing to learn it and from, most importantly – actually learning. And if you don't believe me, then try to answer the question:

Why don't they let you get enough sleep before they start teaching you? Maybe when you are sleepy, you are more capable of learning? Why do classes start at eight o'clock instead of ten?

You need to take knowledge everywhere: both in school and outside the school. You should only count on yourself.

And this is the first thing about the Universe that you should firmly grasp.

The sun

We will begin our consideration of the issue by looking at the Sun and its energy. Why? The Sun is the closest particular star to us, and the entire Universe is a collection of structures consisting of stars and stellar systems. But we will see that all the differences with the official science in what I am going to tell you begin precisely with the Sun.