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Once upon a time, there was a little fox named Felix. Felix was very fast and could jump very high. All of the other animals always thought that he was one of the fastest animals they saw. Whenever anyone needed something

that they could not reach, they would ask Felix, for he could leap higher than even Harry Rabbit! He was known to be the highest jumper of them all in all of Shady Woods, and everyone even said that he could practically fly! He loved it when people would see him and say, “Oh, look! There goes flying Felix! He can jump so high!”

One day, Felix was walking along in the woods. He loved to walk in the woods and bask in the praise of everyone else. He knew that they were all envious that he was so good at jumping because he could get to things that even squirrels could not sometimes. Even the best climbers would take longer to get up to a branch with a tasty treat dangling on it than Felix would take. He would run, run, run, and then jump as hard as he could. He would fly through the air and snatch up anything that was within reach.

As Felix walked through the Shady Woods, he saw all sorts of animals.

“Good morning, Flying Felix!” said a squirrel.

“How’s it going, highflyer?” asked a badger as he walked by.

“Did you catch the moon yet?” asked a young little bunny, who stared up at Felix with wide eyes.

Felix took it all in and grinned. He loved the attention! As he kept on walking, he noticed that there was a crowd of animals gathering. He could see big animals and small animals. Mice, rabbits, and even a bear had gathered! Felix decided that he was very curious. He wanted to know why everyone thought that they needed to crowd up. He sniffed the air and could smell something sweet. So, off Felix went to see what was happening.

“What’s up, everyone?” Felix said as he sauntered into the crowd with his foxy grin. But, Felix was surprised when no one turned to look at him. They were all busy looking up at something. No one said anything to Felix and that made him feel annoyed. Why weren’t they looking at him? They always looked at him! When Felix looked up, he saw exactly why no one was looking at him. They were all looking at a very nice bunch of grapes! They were growing high up on a vine, out of reach from everyone. They were shiny and purple and looked like they would be very nice to eat on such a warm day.

Everyone was very busy talking about the grapes. They all wanted to get the first bunch of summer. Everyone knew that the first bunch of grapes of the summer would be the tastiest, juiciest, most delicious bunch of all and they all wanted to try some!

Felix was very unhappy because no one was looking at him. He frowned and sat down, his long, red tail swishing behind him as he thought. How could he get everyone’s attention again? A light breeze blew behind him and rustled up his fur. It felt like it did when he would jump into the air to grab things from up high!

That’s it! Felix thought. He knew how to get everyone’s attention once and for all.

“I can get those grapes!” he said. But, he was so quiet that no one seemed to notice him. They were all too busy talking to each other about the grapes and how they wanted to get a bite. So, he tried again. “I said… I CAN GET THOSE GRAPES!” This time, Felix practically yelled loudly enough for everyone to hear him over the commotion.