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Читать Щенок Рекс и его летние приключения в Турции. The Puppy Rex and his Summer adventures in Turkey


Chapter 1

Journey starts!

It is summer now. School is over! We go on a vacation to Turkey. We sit in a big red bus. We go to the airport.

Mommy teaches us how to behave in the airport.

“Dear puppies,” she said. “You are going to fly in the plane for the first time in your life. You need to be nice and polite. Also you need to learn a rule of safety.”

“What rule?” I ask. “Tell us, Mommy, please.”

“The rule is: in the airport you need to stay together and hold the hand of your Mommy or Daddy,” Mother says.

“Ok, Mommy,” we say. “We are going to stay together in the airport!”

We are in the airport now. Daddy parks our big red bus in the parking lot. There are a lot of different cars in the parking lot. A lot of dogs like to travel too. We see a black Mercedes. Two poodles come out of the black Mercedes. Guess who these poodles are?

“Mommy, Daddy!” Timmy cries. “Look, these are our friends Bob and Bill!”

We are very glad to see our friends. Wewalk to their car.

“Hello Rex,” Bob says.

“Hello Mr. Arnold. Hello Mrs. Matilda. Hello Betsy and Timmy,” Bill says.

“Hello our dear friends,” we say. “We are very glad to see you!”

Two big poodles get out of the car. The Lady poodle is white and only her ears are black. And Man poodle is black, but his face and ears are white.

“This is our Mother Mrs. Mary and our Father Mr. Sher,” Bob says.

“Nice to meet you, Mrs. Mary and Mr. Sher” we say.

“Where are you going on a vacation?” My Mother asks.

“We are going to Israel for a week and then to Turkey,” Mrs. Mary answers.

“We are going to Turkey too. We are going to stay there for two weeks. In which city in Turkey are you going to stay?” Our Mother asks.

“We are going to stay in Fethiye,” Mrs. Mary says. “And what about you?”

“We are flying to Dalaman and then we have a transfer to Fethiye.” Mother says.

“This is so wonderful! See you in Fethiye,” Mrs. Mary says. “And now it’s time to go! We do not want to miss our flight!”

“See you in Turkey!” we say.

Oh, our vacation is going to be wonderful!

New words

journey [ˈʤɜːnɪ] – путешествие

to behave [tuː bɪˈheɪv] – вести себя, держать себя

rule [ruːl] – правило

safety [ˈseɪftɪ] – безопасность

hold hands [həʊldhændz] – держаться за руки

parking lot [ˈpɑːkɪŋ lɒt] – стоянка для автомобилей

flight [flaɪt] – полет

to stay [tuː steɪ] – оставаться

to spend [spend] – проводить

to miss [mɪs] – пропустить


Answer the questions

Where are we going?

What is the color of our bus?

Where does Daddy park our bus?

Whom do we meet in a parking lot?

What is Bob’s and Bill’s Father name?

True or false?

We are going on a vacation to Israel.

We meet Bob and Bill in a parking lot.

Bob’s and Bill’s Mother is black but her ears and face are white

Poodle’s family are going to England first and then to Israel.

Poodle’s family doesn’t want to miss their flight.

Guess the riddles

This is a place where people park their cars.

This is a big machine. People use it to fly from one place to another.

Chapter 2

In the airport

We go inside the airport. The airport is very big. It is crowded in the airport. There are a lot of other dogs going to their flights. We remember the rule of safety. We hold our Mummy’s and Daddy’s hands. But Timmy doesn’t follow the rule. He starts to run away.