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Chapter 1

Vera enjoyed the joyride racing her brand-new car. Red Lexus from the Car Dealers, happy and elated, she sang along to the radio while her rather fast driving. The radio played a song performed by some Russian pop star: ”To hell with love". The phone pinged. Vera left it on the next seat without attention, since a brand-new car is not supposed to be scratched at least in the first month. Oleg, as promised, presented her with a long-awaited New Year gift having organized the excursion for Vera to the car sales salon for a vehicle.

Right at the moment he was in Thailand with his family. All his attention was paid to his baby-daughter under a year old. His wife was determined to visit the countries with warm or even hot climate conditions.

Verochka didn't like Thai very much, it was too hot, too authentic, and there were too many animals. Despite all her dislike towards Asia, she often flew there with friends or with Oleg, and by the way, with him she had a great vacation. He had his own Villa in Phuket and the silent servants were equally happy to see either his wife or mistress.

But Vera preferred to travel to Europe, she liked Italy, Spain, Montenegro. Now she would like to go to Courchevel, or Courch as she liked to casually call it, winter mountain air, snow, skiing, lifts, lots of acquaintances, mulled wine in the evenings and making love on the floor by the fireplace.

Well, it doesn't matter, tonight Oleg arrives in Moscow, and at midnight he is seeing me, telling tales to his wife about important and complicated business affairs. We will be together for a couple of days, then I will persuade him to go somewhere on skis, maybe to the Alps, – Vera went on dreaming, – and maybe he will soon leave his wife and …

Vera was deeply in her thoughts at the traffic light and did not notice the light going green. A siren wailed from behind as a black jeep honked like a war elephant blaring with its trunk. The impatient ones went around Vera’s car some of them poked their middle finger through the car window. At the next traffic light, the jeep overtook her and cut off her trajectory, then apparently determining to punish her for the ten seconds time loss because of Vera’s traffic light dreaming, curtly pulled up in front of her. The girl’s foot instantly pushed the brake and the seat belt bit into her ample round chest. The pain spread over her breasts, even though the operation was a few weeks ago, but still, her bosom was still heaving, and the scars were a little sore and itchy.

– This is Moscow, baby! – she muttered and turned into her private drive.

When she parked, she picked up her phone and looked at the display there was a text from Oleg.

"Honey, I'm not going to Moscow in the following two weeks. Having a great sunbathe here. Don't be bored. If you need money, contact Igor, he is going to transfer some money in any case."

The good mood was immediately spoiled. Slamming the door of the Lexus with such a force that the pigeons were scared and flew away from the chestnut tree nearby, Vera came in the entrance and pushed the button of the elevator. The button didn't light up.

Tamara, her elderly neighbor, was wearily descending the stairs.