Сказка о Принце, Графе и Драконе

Сказка о Принце, Графе и Драконе


Жанр: Книги о приключениях, Юмор и сатира, Русское фэнтези

answer for the annotation: "Beyond the mountains, Beyond the deep seas, Behind the time zones, Where who knows what hour it is Without a visa they won't let you pass, Without a passport, insurance, money... Where the seashore stretches wide, Where it's easier to visit across the sea Than to visit the Eskimos. So, in that distant land (Which I won't reveal the name of! However, the author is a patriot, And those who need to will understand) Lived a Tsar and ruled that country. But he had an odd quirk: He loved overseas fashion, And spoke English. Always, with everyone, everywhere, And even sometimes in his dreams. However, the Tsar ruled wisely, Both sides of that kingdom. The Tsar had a Prince - the heir, The Tsar's English-speaking companion. With dark eyes, light-haired, In general, he looked good. The Tsar had only one son, And loved him very much. He was very proud of the Prince, And of the future King of the country. To make sure this treasure did not go to waste, One day the Tsar said to the Prince: "In short, son, listen, I'm giving you... three weeks. In this time, you will find And bring a bride to the house. Do you understand, my dear child? Otherwise - get lost! But the Prince didn't want to give up. "Is this my fate? He said sorrowfully, And shed what seemed like a tear. "But I don't want to get married! Couldn't you at least ask me? The Prince was about to speak up. But then a servant rushed in, kneeling. "My Lord! My ruler! A visitor has come to see you - Count von Wolfstadt Sergey Grego, And he asks to be received by you." "Well then, let him in if he's come." The Tsar found his robe, Put it on - after all, it was freezing in the castle, And struck a regal pose. Then the door creaked open, And something appeared in the hall. A man. Tall and brunette, And tastefully dressed. "Hello, our Bright Ruler! I want to get an answer, Without any preliminaries," he began, Bowing to everyone. "I have something to say, Tsar: An idea has taken root in my mind... It was a long time ago, But I remember it well. Only a hint of dawn had touched the sky, When the Prince returned from the hunt. But unfortunately (or not), Snow suddenly fell from the sky, And covered the road - You couldn't see anything. Luckily, my castle was nearby, So the Prince decided to wait out the snow, And stayed there for the night..." The Tsar listened, listened. He stood up And ordered him to stop. "What do you want? Rewards?" "No, I don't want rewards. I just want to ask you To let me marry the Prince." While the Tsar raised an eyebrow, The Count continued persistently: "I can't forget that night And I just want to be with the Prince. I love him very much. I'm rich, by the way." "Oh, my God..."

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