Тупой панк-рок для интеллектуалов

Тупой панк-рок для интеллектуалов


Жанр: Музыка, Зарубежная публицистика, Документальная литература

"Dmitry Spirin is a man with a rich musical background. He was once the bass guitarist for the now defunct band 'Four Cockroaches' and the cover-band 'Adventures of the Electroniks'. He is also the unwavering vocalist and frontman of the melodic punk-rock band 'TARAKANY!'. And finally, he is an author. This book is not only written for the fans of the band 'TARAKANY!', but for anyone who resonates with the rebellious spirit of punk rock. Within these pages lies an honest story of the emergence of underground music and the state of affairs in a crumbling Soviet Union. Empty store shelves, a lack of concert venues and record labels capable of promoting the band. Misunderstanding from society and a long, arduous journey filled with trials and tribulations towards popularity. The flipside of tours, large solo concerts and the music business in Russia. Dmitry Spirin's biography is a detailed account of the creation of the bands in which he has been (and continues to be) involved. The communication, the highs and lows, and a large amount of punk rock and the spirit of the old school that is so dear to many time-tested music collectives." Also, check out his new solo album 'Melodies of Rebellion', featuring his most personal and introspective music to date."

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