Тайны Шлиссельбургской крепости
Автор: Николай Коняев
Жанр: История России, Общая история, Биографии и мемуары
Фортресс of Suffering: A Tale of Courage and Ideals
Under the dusky northern sky, near the tumultuous Ladoga Lake, on an island at the source of the Neva River, stands the distant outpost of the Petersburg land – the Shlisselburg Fortress. Built by the Novgorod people long before the establishment of St. Petersburg, it later became a dreaded political prison during the imperial era. Within the damp and draughty casemates and towers, both illustrious prisoners and disreputable nobles, as well as devout dissenters who preferred to die rather than renounce their faith, endured their share of suffering.
Following the Decembrist Uprising, Shlisselburg became the place of confinement for those who deemed revolutionary change the ultimate good for their Motherland and did not hesitate to spill the blood of their brethren in the name of their ideals. In this new book by renowned writer Nikolai Mikhailovich Konyaev, the reader embarks on a journey through worlds of unbearable suffering, pushing mankind to the brink of madness, worlds of hopes and faith – with revolutionaries and royal dignitaries alike, both falling victim to their own ideals...
With eloquent prose and captivating storytelling, Konyaev unveils the untold tales of resilience and devotion, shedding light on the indomitable human spirit amidst the darkest prisons of the soul. Thrilling and poignant, "Fortress of Suffering" offers a glimpse into the tormented lives of those who dared to challenge the status quo, and the formidable forces that sought to confine them.
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- В городе святого Петра - Николай Коняев
- Житие Федора Абрамова - Николай Коняев
- Лилии (сборник) - Николай Коняев
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