Participle, Gerund and Infinitive
Авторы: Анна Владимировна Павлова / Евгения Владимировна Турлова
Жанры: Языкознание
«Participle, Gerund and Infinitive: A Comprehensive Study Guide for Developing Communicative Competence and Improving Grammatical Skills»
This textbook serves as a systematic and comprehensive resource for exploring the topic of non-finite verb forms in English, specifically participles, gerunds, and infinitives. Designed for first-year undergraduate students pursuing a degree in Linguistics with a focus on the theory and methodology of teaching foreign languages and cultures, this guide is intended for use in the Practical Grammar of the First Language course during the second semester.
Understanding, mastering, and acquiring grammatical categories of the verb, especially non-finite forms, are considered the most challenging aspects of English language acquisition and proficiency. This study guide consists of five parts, each offering a concise overview of the grammatical material and corresponding exercises. The material within each section follows a step-by-step approach to understanding and practicing each grammatical phenomenon. The sequence of exercises aligns with the presentation of grammar. Additionally, each section includes speech exercises that provide analysis of grammatical phenomena.
It is recommended to begin each section with analytical exercises, such as analyzing the form and stating the function, preceded by the study of the respective theoretical material. Practice exercises, such as choosing the proper form, using the appropriate form, and transforming sentences, can be completed during lessons or assigned for independent work.
After completing the main section or subsection exercises, it is advised to proceed to the Speech Exercises. A portion of these exercises can be assigned for independent work, followed by teacher evaluation. Creative exercises aimed at developing fluency in the use of the studied material, such as making up sentences and responding to dialogues, should be performed under the guidance and supervision of the instructor.
Section 1: The Non-Finite Forms of the Verb (The Verbals)
1.1 General Notion
The verb consists of both finite and non-finite forms, the latter of which are also referred to as verbals. These verbals do not express person, number, or tense.
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