Magic of numbers and astrology

Magic of numbers and astrology


Жанр: Детская познавательная и развивающая литература, Астрология, Научно-популярная литература

"Numbers hold no inherent power, neither as bearers of ill fortune nor as bringers of good luck," maintain scientific circles. However, within religious and mystical doctrines, a belief persists that certain numbers possess negative connotations while others exude positive energy. In a notable incident unfolding during the autumn of 1975, a collective of 186 esteemed scientists from the United States, including 18 distinguished laureates of the coveted Nobel Prize, issued a public plea cautioning against relying on astrological prophecies and counsel. It is alarming to witness the meteoric rise of daily horoscope publications in the realm of unbridled capitalism. Unveiling astrology's lack of any semblance of scientific underpinning, it becomes glaringly evident that its foundation is built solely upon a bedrock of unfounded superstition. Underneath the glimmering surface of celestial forecasts lies nothing more than an illusory tapestry, bereft of credibility and intellectual rigor. Replete with unsubstantiated claims and pseudoscientific drivel, astrology traverses the ethereal realm of mere belief, skirting the realms of evidence and verifiable truth.

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