Развитие готовности учителей к инновационной деятельности в процессе методической работы в условиях реализации ФГОС. Монография
Автор: А. Прядко
Жанр: Прочая образовательная литература
An annotation for this book could be:
"Readiness for innovative activities in the structure of professional development of teachers in the context of the introduction and implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards (FGOS) in general education.
At the modern stage of pedagogical science development, the innovative potential of society plays a special role. The implementation of new approaches becomes widespread, requiring teachers to adopt a new pedagogical mindset and a new attitude towards their work, with the ultimate goal of fostering an 'innovative individual'.
Readiness for innovative activities shapes the teacher's innovative position. As one of the most important components of professional readiness, readiness for innovation is a condition for effective pedagogical work, maximum realization of one's potential, and the development of creative abilities.
Innovative activities aim to change routine components of reproductive work, as well as develop and transform methods and mechanisms of functioning.
Before discussing teachers' readiness for innovative activities, it is necessary to define the terms 'innovation', 'innovative activities', and 'innovation process'.
There is no universally accepted classification of innovations in education. There are more than 20 criteria for classifying innovations, such as long-term and short-term, targeted at small groups or societies, radical or reformative, etc. (Hutorskoy A.V., 2008).
Authors like Lapin N.I., Prigozhin A.N., Sazonov B.V. distinguish between reproductive and productive forms of innovative activities and respective innovations. Innovative activities are one of the types of productive activities of individuals and groups (Lapin N.I., Prigozhin A.I., et al., 1981).
Belyaev V.I. identifies two types of innovation processes in education based on their origin. The first type involves innovations that occur spontaneously, while the second type is the result of conscious, purposeful activities based on alternative ideas and principles (Belyaev V.I., 2000)."
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