Баклан смотрит на океан
Автор: Августа Юха
Жанр: Книги о приключениях, Сказки
"Маленький баклан мечтает увидеть океан, но для этого ему нужен чемодан. Птицы смеются над его стремлением, но он не сдается и отправляется в мир людей, чтобы раздобыть чемодан. Но на пути его встречаются опасности и страхи. Будет ли он рисковать ради своей мечты?"
"Once upon a time, a little cormorant decided that he must see the ocean. But how can he get there? The cormorant asked his parents, friends, and teachers, until his old, old great grandmother told him in a croaky voice, 'to see the ocean, you need to find a suitcase.' Suitcase? What is that? Birds have never seen or heard of such things, so why would they need suitcases? Younger birds laughed at the little cormorant's great grandmother, while older birds wondered why such a respected elderly bird would worry a child in vain. But everyone agreed that the ocean was unreachable, and no suitcase could help see and comprehend it. However, the little cormorant didn't give up. He went from bird to bird, asking about suitcases and oceans. From legends and lengthy tales of ancient birds, he learned that beyond their world, there exists a world of humans - beings who make suitcases and use them when they want to see the ocean. Well, that was the solution. The little cormorant decided to venture into the human world and obtain the object that was so desired and essential for achieving his dream. His teacher secretly told the young bird how to get to the human world, even drawing a picture in the sand of what the object looked like. But even he, being a free-spirited one, discouraged the little cormorant from going. There was nothing for a young bird to do in the human world. People were hunters, predators, skilled, cautious, and cruel. The little cormorant agonized for several days and nights. Worries, fear for his life, and the desire to see the ocean fought in his young heart. Feathers fluttered in the wind; the familiar world of birds was so friendly and affectionate, and it seemed there was no need to go somewhere and search for something when here it was - the familiar pond, dense reed thickets, and a sandy beach where it was so much fun to leave long chains of footprints after rain. It seemed that such a distant and incomprehensible ocean could never replace the homeland; it seemed that the dream was nonsense of a young one who knew no danger and had not seen sorrow. It seemed that by staying here, the little cormorant was making the right choice; he wouldn't upset anyone, perish, or endanger his life. And just when reason almost triumphed over stubborn and willful heart, a gust of wind brought to the shore of the pond a scrap of paper, a piece of glossy page depicting the triumph of the raging waters of the ocean..."
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