Сага о пьяном студенте

Сага о пьяном студенте


Жанр: Космическая фантастика, Юмористическая фантастика

Roman, the protagonist of the book, finds himself on the brink of a bizarre encounter one day. As he neared his house, a peculiar sight caught his eye amidst the shrubbery - something green. Intrigued, he questioned what could possibly be green in a place filled with nothing but bushes. But to his astonishment, the green object started to move, and before him stood two humanoid figures, their skin the same vibrant shade of green. Rather than succumbing to panic, Roman managed to maintain a calm demeanor, for he knew that green did not equal danger or plague. Besides, he had only indulged in a single bottle, so hallucinations were out of the question. "Be gone, apparitions!" he declared with grandeur, bravely dismissing the strange green beings. Little did he know that this encounter was just the beginning of an extraordinary adventure that would turn his world upside down. With a mix of skepticism and curiosity, Roman embarks on a journey filled with unexpected twists and turns, unravelling the mysteries behind these enigmatic green creatures and their connection to a world far beyond their own. The book takes readers on a thrilling exploration of the unknown, examining the boundaries of reality and pushing the limits of human imagination. Through suspenseful encounters, heartfelt moments, and thought-provoking revelations, readers will be captivated by the tale of Roman as he faces his deepest fears, uncovers hidden truths, and discovers the true power of the color green. With expert storytelling and a unique blend of fantasy and reality, this novel promises to keep readers on the edge of their seats until the very last page.

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