RULES OF THE FIGHT. «…why they take part in close-to-street fight ultimate fighting»
Автор: Сергей Заяшников
Жанр: Личная эффективность, Саморазвитие / личностный рост, Спорт / фитнес
In his gripping novel, "The Unpredictable Ring", author Sergey Zayashnikov takes readers on a thrilling journey into the world of underground fighting. As the President of the esteemed Russian Muay Thai League and a renowned coach, Zayashnikov rarely organizes these illicit street brawls due to the tremendous risks involved. The stakes are high and the consequences are unpredictable.
Zayashnikov understands the dangers that await his fighters. With every punch thrown and kick executed, there is a 50% chance that someone will suffer an injury. In the chaotic chaos of an all-out street fight, anything can happen. Yet, despite the uncertainty, there are those who willingly step into the ring of combat.
Surprisingly, it is Zayashnikov's own students who eagerly request these blood-filled tests after spending years honing their skills. Astonishingly, these individuals are not just ordinary citizens but rather successful business owners, company CEOs, and esteemed top managers who have achieved great success in their respective fields. However, it seems that their hunger for a different kind of challenge knows no bounds.
In "The Unpredictable Ring", Zayashnikov delves deep into the psyche of these seemingly respectable individuals and unravels the captivating reasons behind their willingness to risk it all. With every turn of the page, readers will be enticed by the psychological complexities, personal motivations, and hidden desires that drive these high-powered individuals into the dangerous world of underground fighting.
Mesmerizing and thought-provoking, Zayashnikov's "The Unpredictable Ring" challenges societal expectations and explores the dark underbelly of ambition, daring readers to question their own limits and motivations. Prepare to be entranced by this gripping tale of risk and reward, where the line between success and danger becomes blurrier with every adrenaline-filled page.
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- Вкусные картинки. Рецепты тренера Сергея Заяшникова. 2011 г. - Сергей Заяшников
- Урагша! По бурятски – вперед! Из неопубликованного. 2023 г. - Сергей Заяшников
- Худеем вкусно. Рецепты тренера Сергея Заяшникова. 2023 г. - Сергей Заяшников
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