Cartesian scientific paradigm. Tutorial
Авторы: Pavel Minakov / Vadim Shmal
Жанры: Книги по философии
of freedom is an illusion influenced philosophers like Kant, who sought to reconcile determinism with moral responsibility.This book explores the evolution of philosophical thought on subjectivity and freedom, tracing it from Descartes to contemporary thinkers. It delves into the intricate relationship between humans and the natural world, challenging Descartes' static view of nature and highlighting the dynamic, interconnected nature of our environment. The author argues for a reimagining of subjectivity, emphasizing the role of reason, emotion, and memory in shaping our understanding of freedom.Writer Sergey Pavlov, along with co-authors Vadim Shmal and Pavel Minakov, offers a fresh perspective on Descartes' philosophy and its enduring impact. By examining the complex interplay between reason, freedom, and subjectivity, this book transcends traditional notions of human existence and opens up new avenues for philosophical inquiry. As we navigate the profound changes in our understanding of the human-nature relationship, this book serves as a thought-provoking exploration of the philosophical foundations that underpin our worldview.
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