Почему ветер дует? Why is the wind blowing? Anecdote from applied physics. Анекдот из прикладной физики
Автор: Vladimir Ulybyshev
Жанр: Юмор и сатира, Книги по философии, Прочая образовательная литература
In the depths of the author's mind, an idea surfaced and lingered until it was no longer forgotten. This idea gave birth to the extraordinary book known as "The Book of One Joke." Transcending language barriers, this charming masterpiece has been translated into numerous languages, including English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Icelandic, Dutch, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, Czech, Polish, Hungarian, Romanian, Bulgarian, and Greek. Within the pages of this book, readers are invited to embark on a whimsical journey where laughter knows no bounds. With each turn of the page, a wave of hilarity crashes over the reader, leaving them in fits of uncontrollable mirth. As this captivating book traverses different cultures and tongues, its enduring humor unifies readers from all corners of the globe. Prepare to delve into the world of "The Book of One Joke" and experience the unadulterated joy it bestows upon all who dare to open its pages.
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