Молитвослов с тропарями и кондаками святым. Дивен Бог во святых Своих

Молитвослов с тропарями и кондаками святым. Дивен Бог во святых Своих


Жанр: Православные молитвы, Православные традиции, Православие

"A Book of Morning Prayers" This book is a collection of morning prayers that are meant to be recited before any other tasks of the day. With an introduction by the publishers, OOO TD "Nikea", the prayers begin with a reverent acknowledgment of the presence of the Almighty God. Each prayer is recited with heartfelt attention and without haste, allowing for a quieting of the senses and a shift of focus from earthly concerns. From the humble prayer of the publican to the invocation of the Holy Spirit, the prayers cover a range of expressions of devotion and supplication. The book also includes variations depending on the liturgical season, such as the Troparion of the Resurrection and modifications during the time between the Ascension and Pentecost. The prayers conclude with the powerful Trisagion hymn, followed by a prayer to the Holy Trinity. The familiar prayer taught by Christ Himself, the Lord's Prayer, is also included. Lastly, the book ends with two Trisagion troparia to be recited upon waking up and before beginning the day. This book is a valuable resource for anyone seeking to start their day with reflection, prayer, and a deep connection to the divine. Its simple and sincere language makes it accessible and meaningful for individuals of all spiritual backgrounds. Let these morning prayers guide you towards a peaceful and purposeful start to each day.

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