Русский фронтир (сборник)

Русский фронтир (сборник)


Жанры: Научная фантастика, Космическая фантастика, Социальная фантастика, Боевая фантастика

"All-conquering Russian Empire 2.0 has embarked on a massive expansion in all directions. It establishes new cities and colonies in space, takes control of planets in different corners of the galaxy, conducts exploration of ocean depths, and, if necessary, defends its interests with the help of armed forces. But imperial expansion is not just about rapid scientific development, updating the information sphere, creative exploration, and intense reflection on ethics and new forms of education. The Empire constantly pushes its limits in all spheres of the universe: territorially, intellectually, creatively. It knows no concept of borders, for its potential is limitless. Throughout the centuries, Russia has grown bolder with the audacity of a handful of daredevils, as behind the Cossack came the monk, and behind them - the builder and the merchant. This masterful saga unveils an awe-inspiring reimagining of the mighty Russian Empire, now transformed into a powerhouse conquering new frontiers across space and time. As new cities and colonies emerge in the depths of the cosmos, ancient planets bow down to the Empire's dominance in a distant galaxy, and underwater realms become battlegrounds for asserting its supremacy. But this expansion isn't solely about territorial conquest; it's a celestial tapestry woven with strands of scientific advancement, philosophical ponderings, and the relentless pursuit of knowledge. In the vastness of the universe, the Empire continuously shatters the confines of conventional thinking, pushing the boundaries of innovation, creativity, and intellect. The Empire's ambition knows no limits, and its potential knows no bounds. In this awe-inspiring narrative, the reader is transported on an epic journey through the ever-expanding Russian Empire, as it spirals into a glorious being that defies the very concept of limitations. With each turn of the page, the reader is immersed in a world where audacity, bravery, and ambition collide to shape the destiny of an empire that drives the pulsating heart of history itself. From the boldness of the Cossack to the profound wisdom of the monk, from the visionary architect to the enterprising merchant, the Empire's evolution is a testament to the indomitable spirit of Russia, an indelible mark on the fabric of time itself."

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