Автор: Максим Бельский
Жанр: История России, Общая история, Публицистика
an annotation for the book could be:
"In this gripping and eye-opening memoir, author Maxim Belsky takes us on a personal journey through the dark secrets and untold stories of the infamous Soviet dictator, Joseph Stalin. Through his own experiences and extensive research, Belsky uncovers the atrocities committed by the communist regime and sheds light on the forgotten crimes that shaped the course of history. With compelling storytelling and a commitment to truth, Belsky challenges our understanding of Soviet history and invites us to confront the horrors of Stalin's reign. A thought-provoking and timely exploration of a tyrant's legacy, 'Lukavy: The Dark Secrets of Generalissimo Stalin' is a must-read for anyone seeking to comprehend the true nature of totalitarianism."
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