Over, lad! Стихотворения на английском языке
Автор: Валентин Рузанов
Жанр: Юмор и сатира
In the years that have elapsed since our last encounter on social media, I am delighted to witness the blossoming of your life into a harmonious family of three children. It brings me great joy to see your happiness and contentment. Please accept my sincere apologies if any of my messages in the past may have caused you inconvenience, as my affection towards you was too potent to remain dormant. Furthermore, I extend my gratitude to you for exemplifying the essence of true femininity. Regardless of whether or not you reciprocate my love, your inner and outer beauty remains undiminished. With heartfelt sincerity, Walengting.
[Additional sentences added: As I reminisce upon our shared memories, from the bittersweet exchanges to captivating conversations, I am reminded of the fervor that once ignited within me. Through the passage of time and the serendipitous nature of life's course, it is comforting to witness the evolution of your existence. May the chapters of your life continue to unfold with abundant love and fulfillment.]
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